Thursday, February 4, 2010

Why Am I Here?

Ever wonder why you're here? Do you think about your purpose? I know I do. I have been doing that quite a lot lately & asking God a lot of questions, too.

Life truly is an adventure & I always want to be open to the next one. Whether that means living in three states in one year or staying in one job for the rest of my life. Whatever God asks, I strive for my answer to be complete obedience to Him.

Now, I'll be the first to admit that I've messed up way more than once, but I also know that He knows my heart. I'm thankful for that! He sees beyond my faults and failures. He knows the intents and purposes of my heart and understands I'm human (even when I forget that sometimes). Of course, my goal is to be completely transformed into the image of Jesus - to be less and less Julie and more and more Jesus. I never want to go off path & always want to be smack dab in the center of His will - but when I fall short, I repent, He forgives and we move forward together. What an awesome God He is!

So, why am I here? What adventures do I need to embark upon to lead me closer to Him & lead others closer to Him, today? There's no pat answer for that...but I do know this...He loves me. He loves you. He has a wonderful plan & purpose & He'll bring it to fruition if you'll faithfully follow Him.

Right now, there's a skiff of show on the ground & the sky is gray. I'm getting ready to take Magellan and Bisbee for a walk/sniff/play/jog time & then I'll jog a few miles myself. After that, I'll spend the afternoon & evening working on the new business He gave me. Who knows what adventures will happen along the way?

What adventures are in store for you today? What is He saying and what is your heart yearning for? Ask Him questions, share your heart with Him. Listen and obey.

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